Hey! I'm Ayo.
I was born and raised in a small town in Bulgaria and this is a 4-year-old me playing "being a boss". When I was only 40 days old my parents brought me to their pottery shop and I spent my entire childhood there surrounded by tourists and clients from all over the world. I learned how to communicate, how to sell, how to create art, and most of all, I learned hard work. I remember my mom often saying to me "You were born to win." I was 8 years old when I started my first journal, and I wrote my life script. I envisioned my Future Self. I saw myself traveling the world, being brave, wealthy and successful. I dreamt of living in a beautiful city by the ocean with spectacular views. I dreamt of being able to sustain my family and be financially there for them. I manifested all of this and more.
I had a very happy childhood until my father got very sick and later on passed away. These were a few years filled with a lot of trauma. I was only 12 when I had my very first awakening. After my father’s sudden loss life didn’t make sense anymore and so I had to unlearn it all.
I read the Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle and that was the new beginning for me. At only 12 years old my view on life completely changed. I entered a new world of self-development, meditation, and knowledge that most people only discover at a later stage of their lives. I read so many books that people started calling me The Encyclopedia (and I actually liked it).
By the age of 19, I learnt 3 languages. By 25 I had two Bachelor’s degrees, one in Publishing and one in Public Relations & Marketing, and two Master’s degrees, one in Journalism and one in Business. I was a highly qualified expert in my field.
By the age of 28, I worked for world-recognized companies such as Reuters, Microsoft, Africa Geographic, Nat Geo WILD, Vice Magazine, Apple, and more in their social media, marketing, and content departments. Most of the time, I was the only woman in the boardroom (also the youngest). Certainly the only foreigner.
I felt fulfilled and happy with everything I had achieved until I didn't feel that way anymore.
One night I woke up at 4 AM in my house by the beach in Cape Town and thought…there has to be more…this is good, but I want more! I wondered how can I solve leading world problems and be of greater service to humanity.

The next day, one of my close friends, Naledi, who used to be a receptionist at the gym that I joined, was going through a big hardship. She told me that her husband at the time (fortunately ex now), was cheating on her for years and he just wouldn’t stop. He was also abusive. Naledi is a beautiful African woman, with 2 kids and a gentle soul. Her life situation really touched my heart.
I told her to leave him and never look back, but she explained that she tried many times; however, she could not financially support her family, she had no one to help her, and that’s why she stayed. I was shocked because I thought her job was allowing her to do that, but that was not the case. It broke my heart to find out my friend, a modern woman in a developing country, was co-dependent and couldn't leave a toxic relationship because she didn’t have enough money to sustain her kids. A sad reality that MANY women still face.
I was coming out of a relationship where I found my ex was unfaithful, but I could leave immediately because I was financially stable. Naledi wasn’t. Not because she wasn’t capable or wasn't trying, but because of the world we live in. Her story had a great impact on me. I vowed I would do everything to help and empower women to exit financial co-dependency and rise! That's where it all began!


Soon after that I built and scaled 3 very profitable agencies that served clients on 6 continents. Currently running my 4th marketing agency. All of the women who have been working for me in these agencies were women who needed immediate financial support. I trained them for free on how to support my clients – many of them also women who were reclaiming their financial independence. I helped Naledi too. She became a well-known personal trainer in Dubai with a business that has generated over $4M! I helped many female-owned companies reach their first million. I felt invincible doing that! Everything was scaling FAST. My agency was supporting clients with strategy and execution, and I was coaching them on mindset, leadership, and self-mastery. I became known as "The Empress of Marketing" and one of the few coaches who incorporates feminine and masculine business strategies! When I was visiting my mom one day she took a photo of me sleeping on my desk at 4:45 AM. I worked 7 days a week, 16 hours a day because my business was blooming! When I saw the photo, I knew something had to change before it was too late. I realized I wanted to create more impact but not at the cost of my health.

Unfortunately, I partnered up with the wrong people and had to pivot. That's when the Empire Circles Movement was created. I got certified as an Emotion Code Practitioner, trauma-informed business coach, and self-image expert.
I changed my business model, adopted business strategies that allowed me to run my company as a woman, hired new team members, created over 50 courses and programs with students on 6 continents, had over 1300 coaching calls in less than 2 years with clients from all kinds of industries, including celebrities.
I trained teams in different industries specifically speaking about feminine leadership, financial equality, and self-mastery. I got completely immersed in the world of psychology, neuroscience, and emotional intelligence mastery. There were weeks I would read up to 6 books per week. That's how passionate I was, and still am, about the path I embarked on.
I am now traveling the world coaching individuals and teams, speaking at events, leading retreats on how to create an extraordinary life and thriving businesses. I've tapped into something bigger. My life mission.
I've dedicated my life to helping people live a happy life while running conscious businesses.
If you ask yourself what's the common denominator of all desires and aspirations that we have, it all boils down to one thing – we just want to feel good and be happy.
Not the happy where we try to escape and run away from pain and problems but the happy that brings inner peace and joy. And not the feel-good that we associate with an immediate dopamine hit, but the feel-good that allows us to fully take advantage of the very short time we have here on Earth.
We crave a successful business because it holds the promise of happiness. We want more money because, yes, money can create many experiences that make us happy. We want recognition, validation, and freedom because we want to feel good.
We want to live. Not just to survive.
Most people have it backwards. They work on all the external things to become happy, when they can first feel good and become happy and then all the external things would be a bonus.
We see so many human beings becoming wildly successful, rich, famous, and impactful, and yet a lot of them still feel depressed, unfulfilled, empty, and lost. But why when it seems they have it all?
I get it. You can't always feel happy. There are so many feelings on the emotional scale and it's okay to feel all of them. Also, I do know life is an ongoing initiation. That's not the point here.
The key here is, if you depart from planet Earth tomorrow, and you look back would you say: "Well, I genuinely lived a happy life. I created meaningful relationships and connections, first with myself and then with others. I helped and served to the fullest potential I can. I created businesses that matter. It wasn't always easy, but I am proud of how I went through life. I loved myself and others. I operated from a space of integrity. I provided value. And while I was doing that, I had more moments of inner peace and joy."
This is all possible with self-mastery. Self-mastery is the key to moving through life with greater self-awareness and self-confidence. Self-mastery is about mastering the mind, our core beliefs, our habits and patterns, and healing our heart which leads to a deeper level of emotional mastery. This is the foundational work that moves us closer to being a better leader, communicator, and creator. Self-mastery is about financial expansion, better time management, spiritual mastery, relationship mastery, and more!
And it's possible through simple practices and techniques that absolutely everyone can implement daily. I've done this with individuals and big companies. The results have been mind-blowing. From better decision-making to greater focus and optimized time management, better memory, faster bounce-back ability when things are not working as planned, better branding, better marketing, better delivery, greater connection with clients and within the team, better working environment, expanded wealth consciousness, more energy, better performance. Numbers also speak for itself. My clients have collectively generated over $500M+ in revenue. You can check more success stories below.