Some things never go out of fashion such as great mindful, magnetic marketing...

Market, Magnetize and Monetize with Integrity, Impact and Authenticity!


It’s official. The old ways of marketing are DEAD.

People see through those old-fashioned bro marketing ways and strategies.

Like never before your audience senses energy. They see who is authentic, real and in their power to lead. They tap into their intuition to trust a certain brand. They get magnetized. They get called. They get attracted. They get pulled in.

More and more people crave real human contact. Real stories. Real posts. And no filters. “Fake it until you make it” does not work anymore.

They want YOU. They want your story, your passion, your voice. Your ability to powerfully take them through a journey to solve their problem and present an offer that speaks directly to their heart.

And you’ve got it all. Let me show you how to unleash it with mindful, magnetic marketing!

In this training, I am diving deeper into:

What's Mindful, Magnetic, Marketing

First and foremost understanding what REAL marketing actually is. There's a lot of misunderstanding that leads to bad marketing or no marketing at all.

Why mindful, magnetic marketing?

This kind of marketing will help you attract those amazing clients who are all on board, the ones who pay in full and want to work with you with their entire mind, body, and soul. The people who put in the work, make a decision and stick to it. The kind of people who say YES to you.

Marketing vs Branding

What's the difference between marketing, branding and selling and why mixing the 3 is only harming your business.

What's effective marketing and what's BS

What's good, effective marketing and what's not - I will give you the absolute 'must-have' elements for a solid marketing strategy.

Great marketing answers great questions

The most important questions to ask yourself before you start crafting your marketing strategy.

This will help your business more than anything else

How to save your business when your marketing sucks (#sorrynotsorry). I know this sounds harsh but it's true.

Mindful, Magnetic Marketing is...

Something I came up with when I worked with NAT GEO WILD in their marketing team and it is timeless – it has nothing to do with all the new trending gimmicks and hacks (I hate the word hacks). 

Not about the shortcuts, tricks and ways to become an overnight success. It is more about creating products and services that have a story that makes people think, “Wow, what a great opportunity!”

All about being able to communicate your superpowers through your posts, your emails, your sales pages, your lives, and your conversations, your offers, your products. It’s about establishing trust and creating a safe container for people to invest in you.

All about empathy and connection to the people you want to work with. The people who also inspire you to be the most motivated version of you, the leader you are born to be. 

This masterclass is going to completely change the way you think about marketing. 

Most online entrepreneurs struggle with following old-school marketing advice. I want you to create offers, content, and strategies that make your heart sing.

When you know that your marketing serves the purpose of showing your audience that you care and that you genuinely want to help with your idea and your offer, you really want to show up on social media!

In 90 minutes, I will share with you everything I know about marketing based on 13 years of experience. You are getting lifetime access to the video and I guarantee that you can use the same principles over and over again. They also apply to every industry and every stage of your business.

Marketing is so much more than you think...

Creating a recognized brand that you love is one of the most exciting things about running a business. A brand that articulates your values, desires, solutions, and your capability to serve. A brand that not only attracts clients but also retains clients. A brand that creates success stories. A brand of impact and influence. A brand that attracts customers and team members who don’t leave you feeling undervalued and overlooked. A brand that communicates your message. A brand that is clear, simple yet sophisticated, and sexy.

Your brand is not only logos, colors, design, and fonts. Your brand is everything that your clients experience when they come across your business. You are not ordinary, and you are not average. You have a story to tell and a mission to change the world, or at least to make it a bit better. 

Mindful, magnetic marketing is the magical ingredient in this process. 

I will share with you the main principles in marketing that unlock your marketing genuis.

Stand Out

If you want people to notice your offer in a sea of attention grabs, you’ve got to have something they want. In order to get your product or service to stand out in the market and be the chosen one, you need to activate your marketing genius and that’s exactly what we will do during this masterclass.


Authenticity is More Important Than Perfection

Unfortunately, marketing has become a synonym of lying for most customers. That’s why it’s so important to be in full integrity. Remembering your most authentic voice is key. Most entrepreneurs struggle with that. I will give you the recipe for how to do that. 

Magnetize vs Manipulate

I will show you how to use storytelling to magnetize people. We will dive into the power of stories and how to share the value of your product through sharing a powerful story.

Ask and You Shall Receive

This is one of my marketing secrets – how to ask your audience to be part of your marketing. BTW this is real marketing advice, not that I don’t think meditations to “clear wound patterns that are showing up in your online marketing” are not real, it’s just that it might take a while to work. There are actual methods that work instantaneously. 

Marketing Secret #1

How to build trust, and establish a strong relationship with your customer and your tribe so that you win their hearts. Hint: That’s how you get more referrals too. 

Become A Social Media Master

Few master social media. I am not talking about followers, reach, or how many people viewed your video. I used to work with someone who had tons of viral videos and she was struggling to make money in her business every month. Numbers matter, but they don’t mean a thing if you don’t know how to connect with people. 

Who am I to speak about marketing...

Well, thank you for, asking. In my early 20s, I was called the Empress of Marketing by clients and media. I’ve been in this industry for 13 years now, doing the marketing for companies such as Nat Geo, Microsoft, Reuters, Vice, Apple, and many more. I’ve worked with 7 and 8-figure coaches. I’ve studied marketing and communications and I have a degree in PR as well. It’s safe to say, I know my marketing like the palm of my hand. Not to mention, I hear at least once a day that my marketing is ‘genius’. 

That’s not because I am some random coach on the internet who thinks marketing is social media [I see it all the time]. I also teach marketing not because I used mindful magnetic marketing to scale my own businesses, but because I’ve also consulted for 500 Fortune companies, Silicon Valley Start-Ups, big tech companies in Europe and Australia, and more. 

The truth is effective marketing is easy once you get it – it’s not rocket science. It’s intuitive, feminine, and creative.

She [Ayo] is really competent, her knowledge of marketing is phenomenal, her knowledge of strategy is phenomenal!
Coach and Mentor