Unfortunately, not anymore. Once you’ve been given access to the portal, refunds are no longer possible.
In 2022, someone stole my entire program—took all my videos, recreated them using the exact same content, and then started selling it under the same name. This very same person requested a refund after being in the program for a week, and I gladly refunded him—unaware that he had plagiarized my work.
While I know most people are not like that, my goal is to attract those who are truly committed, as I invest a significant amount of my personal time to help.
If you’re still unsure whether this is the right fit for you—although, after reading this entire page, I can’t imagine why you wouldn’t want to jump in—I recommend sending me a DM on Facebook or Instagram, or reaching out via email.
I don’t do sales calls for programs, only for my mastermind and 1:1 coaching, but I’m happy to answer any questions or concerns. At the end of the day, I want you to invest with confidence and passion, not fear.