You are a woman who is here to transform her life, with intention, mindfulness, and energetics using the tools she has within. The woman who is calibrating her energy from the Warrior Goddess, who is fighting for what belongs to her, trying, pushing, feeling stagnant, questioning her abilities, wondering how, to the Empress who is supported, operating from a space of trust and alignment. The woman who shifts from sacrificing to being satisfied. The Empress who openly receives all her blessings. The Empress who receives with ease more wealth, playfulness, joy, confidence, balance, romance, freedom, and wild success. The woman who rises above co-dependency & toxic patterns that prevent her from being her happiest self…


Womanifest your wildest dreams

The Empress Program is inspired by the 4 seasons in nature (Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer), the 4 elements of nature (Fire, Water, Earth, and Wind), and The 4 Women Archetypes (Maiden, Mother, Wild Woman, and Wise Woman). 

The modalities used in this journey will help you regulate your nervous system, ground yourself, and find ways to heal and thrive.

When you lead and expand yourself, everything around you responds to your energy and supports you.

This program is the place to rediscover and reinvent who you are as a woman! 


You want to be an energetic match for your dreams, ideal clients, and a life full of ease, flow, and bliss. The dream career. The family. The relationships. The healthy body. The fun and joy. The healing. The impact. The fulfilment.

Yet, sometimes fear creeps in, doubt, self-sabotage, and judgment. You fall into the trap of thinking you need to DO more, work more, push more, and hustle more.


I am here to help you grow your wings so you believe in yourself, grow, and step into your power as a female leader.
You are a piece of art. And art has no limits. Just like your full expression as a woman! You have been fighting so hard to prove yourself, and your worth, and now it’s time to show you how to sit back and navigate your energy.

Maybe right now you:

You deserve a beautiful, abundant, balanced, and happy life. You can have it all when you master your energy,  heal, and UNDERSTAND who you are. You are the CHOSEN ONE. The leading role in your movie. What’s the point of having a business, a partnership, or a marriage if it does not make you feel GOOD, if you are not FULLY in love with it?

 Do you know that the main difference between a planet and a star is that stars emit their OWN light? Just like you. Every woman has that deep wisdom in her. The knowing of who she is. The one who magnetizes, charms, attracts, and enjoys pleasures and abundance. The Nefertiti in you. Reclaim your innate power and your throne. This woman attracts the opportunities, the connections and the life she creates according to her own rules.

Women are cyclical beings and when you understand your own energy & your cycle, you will TRANSFORM your life. The feminine in you is in charge of manifestation as women are creators. You create life in your own body. This is why I created the  Empress Program. This is your initiation into womanhood. This is a gift to remind you that you are magic!

Close your eyes. Connect with your breath. Sit down with your thoughts and go within. Become self-aware now. 

This is not just about money, an abundance of love and joy. This is about finding out who you really are and rising in love with that version of you. 

Remember, everything follows you. You have to lead the way and we are here to guide you through that journey. 

No chasing, no begging, simply attracting! 

There is no stronger force than a woman determined to rise 


Who is The Empress Program for?

*The woman who is ready to dive deeper into herself without fear of lack or limitation

*The woman who has tried all the tools and wants a change in her life

*The woman who knows deep within that she is here for way more, and she is ready to activate herself

*The woman who wants to flourish in all areas of her life and wants it to be easy & seamless

*The woman who wants to make big money, so she is ready to make big moves and terminate co-dependency

*The woman who wants to claim what’s hers

*The woman who wants to manifest everything she wants

*The woman who is ready to drop the story of “‘How”, “I am not enough”, “Where will everything come from”, “Am I unable to”, “I can’t do it”

and embrace she is worthy, she can do it, she is supported, she has it, it’s already here, she trusts.

Behind every successful woman, there is a tribe of other successful women who have her back. Strong women stand together. They hold each other when they have to. They laugh together. They have fun together. Map out their goals together. They cheer up each other and keep their sisters accountable. And they also tell them to step up their power and make it happen!

I am taking you on a journey. A chance to be elevated and tap into your divine feminine. This will be your fast track to you.

Your Inner Empress is ready! Are you? Everything is out there for you to reach it. The question is, are you hiding and lowering your own potential, or are you ready to claim what’s yours?

I am not here to teach you something. I are here to REMIND you.

In the empress program you will

why did i create the empress program

I am the woman who knows achieving the seemingly impossible is the NEW NORMAL.

I was 8 years old when I started my first journal, and I wrote my life script. I envisioned my Future Self. I saw myself traveling the world, being brave, wealthy and successful. I dreamt of living in a beautiful city by the ocean with spectacular views. I dreamt of being able to sustain my family and be there financially and morally for them. I manifested all of this.

By the age of 19, I learned 3 languages. By 25 I had 2 bachelor’s degrees and two master’s degrees. I was a highly qualified expert in my field. I traveled solo all over Europe and had consistent 5-figure months (felt like a rockstar).

By the age of 28, I worked for world-recognized companies in their social media, marketing and content departments. Most of the time, I was the only woman in the boardroom (also the youngest). Certainly the only foreigner. I had my works featured in magazines and publications. I consulted huge companies in Europe, Canada, the USA and Australia.

17 months after starting my 3rd marketing agency, I hit 7-figures. I helped many companies reach their first million. I felt invincible! By the age of 30, I had built and scaled multiple businesses and helped hundreds of clients grow their online businesses too…

In 2021, I launched 2 new businesses.

In 2022 all my clients collectively earned over $6 000 000!

I trained teams in different industries.

I got certified as an Emotion Code Practitioner, trauma-informed coach, personal stylist, and self-image expert…

It all started with the decision to live my life by design. And I had my back 100% of the time.

Don’t box your own limitless potential. Rise like a phoenix!


Module 1

Mastering Emotional Intelligence: Sitting With Our Feelings

Module 2

Overcoming The Past – Healing and Forgiving

Module 3

How To Stop Giving Away Your Personal Power

Module 4

Cultivating Anger and Rage

Module 5

Reclaim Creativity and Confidence, Clarity

Module 6

Embracing Womanhood

Module 7

Thrive in Your Pleasure

Module 8

Faith Over Fear: How To Overcome Fear Of The Unknown

Module 9

Money Miracles and Wealth

Module 10

Harvest Time and Receiving

I have done two rounds of The Empress Program. One in November 2022 and one in April 2023. It has forever changed my life forever. Thank you, Ayo!


Ayo's coaching is really inspiring. Her energy is lovely! She incorporates both energetics and strategy is her guidance! I found her on Instagram and immediately jumped in The Empress Program. It was exactly what I was looking for.


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